God’s got your number
Find out who you’re called to be
The caller ID on your cell phone will not read “God,” nor will you receive an e-mail with the subject line “From Heaven” telling you that God wants to discuss what to do with your life.
Making important decisions that will affect our lives for years to come is never easy. What career or profession should I choose? Should I marry or remain single? These types of choices are important because they affect our own happiness and make us reflect on who we are called to be.
This decision-making journey, or discernment, is not one that we should make on our own. This is not the time to be a lone ranger. You should share your journey, your doubts, your fears, and your hopes with other people who might help you in the process.
Some points to keep in mind:
• All of us have a vocation, a call in life. It is God who invites us to live out that call.
• Finding out God’s call in your life takes time. It involves all aspects of who you are, not just personality, likes and dislikes but also abilities, desires, and even other people in your life.
• Many people find it valuable to have a trusted spiritual director with whom they can talk about their search, who will help them understand God’s voice.
• Personal and community prayer are also part of this process. Through prayer you will be able to listen to God’s voice and plan for you. You will also be able to share with God your joys and frustrations.
• It is important to dedicate time to serving others by volunteering in your church or at some organization.
Throughout this journey you will get to know yourself and God better; you will have better tools to make a good decision; and you will enjoy the support and advice of people who care about you. Do not be afraid to embark on the amazing journey of discovering God’s call in your life!
Your turn
- Do you feel called to be more, to do more, to give more?
- Is being involved in a life-giving faith community important to you?
- Do you have a prayer life?
- Are you open to the process of discernment and willing to be patient?