A Cool New Bible
The new Biblia Católica para Jóvenes.
I still remember sitting on my bed and struggling to find a way to read and pray with the Bible I had in my hands. A priest friend had encouraged me to read it as part of my process of vocational discernment. After a time in complete silence and not knowing what to do, I listened to a voice in my mind that told me, “Start by reading Luke.” That’s when my adventure started.
“Since many have set out to give an account of the events fulfilled among us… I have thought it opportune to write to you, Theophilus, so that you may come to understand the truth of the teachings you have received” (Luke 1:1-4).
Many years have gone by since that first contact with the Word of God. Today, besides being a happy priest of the Dominican order, I am also part of a great project called La Biblia Católica para Jóvenes.
The California-based Instituto Fe y Vida a national Catholic organization serving young Hispanics, brought together a team of collaborators, and together we set down to the task of building tools for reading and biblical commentaries to help young Hispanics delve into the Bible. We hope to enlighten them in their process of spiritual growth and discerning their vocation in life. That is expressed in the slogan for this new Spanish-language Bible: “Know the Word of God, pray with it, and live it in your heart.”
A young man wrote to me: “I bought the Biblia Católica para Jóvenes, and I visited your website (www.bibliaparajovenes.org). At long last a Bible with messages that speak to my experience and my reality as a young person! Many young people will get closer to God and to the Word through this Bible. I want to go to my youth group and to the vocational gatherings we have to share with them the Biblia Católica para Jóvenes.”
I invite you, too, to discover the Biblia Católica para Jóvenes. Pray with it and allow it to enter into your heart. Live it fully. And above all, be a reflection of the living and risen Christ in today’s world.
Your turn:
- How often do you read the Word of God?
- Are you open to listening to God and to responding to what you hear?