Praying for complete recovery
Recntly diagnosed with stage IIIA colorectal cancer
I recently underwent colonscopy for some bleeding. They found what appeared to be a benign polyp and i was sent for removal. When it was removed, it contained a small focus of cancer unfortunately at the base where it was able to grow into the colon wall slightly, so it got into 1 lymph node. I prayed to st jude intensily during this time that it would turn out to be benign as they were sure it was, but it wasn't meant to be. Now I have had the surgery to remove 8" of my intestines, and will be undergoing chemo and radiation for 6 months. I am praying that this will cure me, and i never have a reoccurence of this again, and that treatments will go well with little side effects so I can continue to enjoy life. I am very nervous and sad and having a hard time to deal with this. Please pray for my complete healing with St Jude's intercession. Thank you