Gaza: Caritas hospital forced to close as violence escalates
Caritas Jerusalem, the socio-pastoral organization of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land, expresses its deep concern over the deteriorating situation in Gaza.
According to media and first hand reports in the last 24 hours almost 20 people in Gaza have been killed due to internal violence between Palestinians in Gaza. In his first hand report, Dr Bandalay Sayegh, Caritas Jerusalem's Gaza Medical Centre Director, says the situation in Gaza is one of extreme danger.
The Caritas Jerusalem Gaza Medical Centre is now closed due to very heavy clashes near their premises. All of the staff members of the medical centre are not able to reach the centre and have all stayed at home. Snipers have positioned themselves throughout the area.
Dr Bandalay reports that indiscriminate shelling of civilian properties is taking place due to the fighting. He has heard that at least eight houses have been hit. He reports that a relative was the victim of a shell that indiscriminately hit their kitchen and caused significant damage. Thankfully, they were all in their bedroom at the time. In fact, it was just a matter of sheer luck that the family was not injured because the shell could just have easily landed in their bedroom.
This current round of violence, which began last Thursday, has seen several dozen people killed. It is clear that presently no one is safe in Gaza and that urgent steps must be taken by all parties to end the violence in Gaza.
Source: Caritas
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