41 bright ideas for going green
The earth is warming and we are responsible. This is the undeniable conclusion reached by 2,000 scientists and policy experts contributing to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the winners of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize along with Al Gore.
The U.S. Catholic bishops have accepted this fact as well. “In facing climate change, what we already know requires a response; it cannot be easily dismissed,” the bishops said in their 2001 statement on global climate change. “Significant levels of scientific consensus...justify, indeed can obligate, our taking action intended to avert potential dangers.”
What do we, as Catholics, have to offer in the face of unstable climates? Of course we can reduce, reuse, and recycle. Another bright idea: Change your lightbulbs. These small steps, though, are just the beginning. Our faith asks us to live intentionally, aware of our relationship to the natural world.
The Bible teaches us that we are stewards of God’s covenant with all living things. Our Catholic spiritual traditions give us inspiration for caring for rather than consuming creation. Catholic social teaching reminds us of the least among us while we seek political solutions. And even the smallest of actions are contagious when we share ideas within supportive parish communities and families.
Our faith is more than a set of guidelines, so our 41 “ways” to save the earth are more than just actions. Our ways ask that you learn about the issues and contemplate creation. We hope they inspire you to further action.