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In the seemingly affluent United States, out-of-control debt is sort of a quiet monster. Many churches don't talk about it, and those who've got it hiding in their homes don't want anyone to know about it.
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Male and Female: God Created Them: Pope John Paul II shared his reflections on sexuality, marriage, family life, and vocation with his Wednesday audiences at the Vatican. Each talk and each audience was unique, but John Paul II held fast to the theme. Using the Bible as his starting point, John Paul II delved into such questions as why humans were created male and female and why it matters which one we are.

Frosted Mini-Nukes! Bunker buster the friendly nuke was launched by the Friends Committee on National Legislation recently. "He's cute; he's small; and he won't blow up the world" is FCNL's satirical introduction to this adorably animated little nuke.

Out of Africa: Last year Father James Chukwuma Okoye, C.S.Sp. went home to Nigeria for a visit. He had no sooner gone to church for Sunday Mass than he found himself witnessing a clash of cultures.


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