Oscar Romero

Other Resources

Short Bios:
Romero—from the Religious Task Force on Central America and Mexico
Westminister Abbey
St. Peter's Church, Nottingham, England
First Presbyterian Church
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Prayer by Oscar Romero:

Other related sites:
Religious Task Force on Central America and Mexico
UN Truth Commission Report on Murder of Romero
Sojourners article, "The Reluctant Conversion of Oscar Romero"
School of the Americas Watch

About Liberation Theology:
Liberation Theology and Land Reform
General Information on Liberation Theology
Vatican Instruction on Liberation Theology, 1984
Misc. Liberation Theology resources

About El Salvador:
Catholic Relief Services in El Salvador
CIA World Factbook—El Salvador
U.S. State Department background notes on El Salvador
History, Economy, People, Geography
La Prensa Gráfica de San Salvador
La parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes en Calle Real
The massacre at El Mozote

Remembering other El Salvador martyrs:
10th Anniversary of the UCA murders
Remembering Maura Clarke, Ita Ford, Dorothy Kazel, and Jean Donovan

Print resources
"Announcing the Year of God's Favor," 8-page tabloid focused on the economic conditions of our world, the growing disparity in wealth and its causes, seen through the lens of Central America. Includes a faith reflection and suggestions for action. Order from: Religious Task Force on Central America, 1747 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington DC 20009; (202) 387-7652. Prices: $1.50/single copy; $8/10 copies; $16.50/25 copies; $31/50 copies; $55/100 copies.

"Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero: Prophet to the Americas," Margaret Swedish, 46-page booklet with biography, section on Romero's challenge to the church, faith reflections. Religious Task Force on Central America, address above. Price: $7.50, includes postage/ shipping. Inquire about bulk rates.

Issue of Challenge: Faith and Action in the Americas on Romero, from EPICA; articles by Ruben Zamora, Bishop Pedro Casaldaliga, Bishop Samuel Ruiz, et. al. Single issues $3.50; 10 or more, $1.50 each from EPlCA, 1470 Irving St. NW, Washington DC 20010, (202) 332-0292. Other materials on Romero available in Spanish; call or write for information.

Romero: A Life James R. Brockman, S.J., Orbis Books, Maryknoll NY, 1989.

Voice of the Voiceless: The Four Pastoral Letters and Other Statements Introductory essays by Jon Sobrino, S.J., and Ignacio Martin-Bard, S.J., Orbis Books, Maryknoll 1985.

Archbishop Oscar Romero: A Shepherd's Diary translated by Irene B. Hodgson, St. Anthony Messenger Press and Novalis, Montreal, 1993.

"The Violence of Love, The Pastoral Wisdom of Archbishop Oscar Romero," collection of short passages from homilies and letters, for prayer and reflection. Limited number of copies available from: Religious Task Force on Central America, address above. $6 plus $1.50 shipping/postage.

Archbishop Romero: Memories and Reflections Jon Sobrino, S.J., Orbis Books, Maryknoll NY, 1990.

Stubborn Hope: Religion, Politics and Revolution in Central America, Phillip Berryman, Orbis Books, Maryknoll NY, 1995