U.S. Catholic

March 2007
Volume 72; Number 3

cover story
Pardon our dust: 4 tools for a church in transition
Church renovation isn’t just about parish buildings but about how we shape our community of faith. Sociologist Bryan T. Froehle offers some construction advice you’re not likely to find at your local Home Depot.

Spring book issue

Between the lines
Being a “Catholic writer” isn’t so much about the religious affiliation of your fictional characters, says Alice McDermott in this Expert Witness interview. It can be as simple as allowing grace to filter through.

To infinity and beyond!
Monks in space? Alien baptisms? Such religious themes aren’t beyond the imaginations of science fiction writers and readers, reports Kristin Peterson, giving “mission to Mars” a whole new meaning. In a companion piece, Trekkie Angelo Stagnaro finds Catholic themes alive and well in Gene Roddenberry’s 23rd century.

Life preserver
Carol Crossed puts the “consistent” in her ethic of life, opposing every threat from abortion to nuclear weapons. In Person author Mark E. Rondeau describes a journey that has now led her to the birthplace of Susan B. Anthony.

Reader survey
Teach us to pray
St. Paul says we’re supposed to do it “always,” but he never explains just how to pull that off. Luckily, U.S. Catholic readers have some ideas. Megan Sweas compiles their collective spiritual direction in this Reader Survey.

Give us this day our daily Mass
Though the weekday assembly may be thin on members, Practicing Catholic author Ted Rosean finds the daily diehards rich in both dedication and devotion.

This is my plan
A poem by Devon Miller-Duggan.

Waking the bishop
A short story by Brian Doyle.

Editors’ Note
You May Be Right—Letters
Signs of the Times—News
Catholic Tastes
Glad You Asked—Why do catholics eat fish on friday?
Under Review
Spirituality Café
Meditation—Jerry Bleem, O.F.M.

Odds & Ends—Peter Gilmour
Who’s the boss?

Margin Notes—Kevin Clarke
War wounds

Testaments—Alice Camille
the constant gardener

Culture in Context—Patrick McCormick
moral indigestion

The Examined Life—Bryan Cones
Last rights