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U.S. Catholic: August 2007

Monkey business:
Why intelligent design is weird science

Creationism has evolved into "intelligent design," but evolutionary biologist Francisco Ayala argues creationism redux is not only bad science, it’s bad theology.

Also: Battle fatigue
Robert McClory reports that there's still no "Mission Accomplished" in the priest sex abuse scandal.

Our previous coverage of the ongoing sex abuse crisis

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Selections from the August issue of U.S. Catholic

Glad You Asked—How much should I tithe?

Margin Notes—Kevin Clarke
Never again, yet again
Unless action replaces delay, our denunciations of genocide in Darfur are nothing but talk.

The Examined Life—Bryan Cones
Semper ubi sub ubi
If you don't understand that, you're gonna love the new, old Latin Mass.

Selections from the July issue of U.S. Catholic

Glad You Asked:
How is the Bible true?

Margin Notes
Spit that out!
Tainted foods from the agricultural-industrial complex are giving new meaning to your favorite casserole "surprise."

The Examined Life
Who do you say that I am?
It's certain that human language fails to capture the mystery of God, but sometimes what we say doesn't even come close to doing God justice.

The Busy Christian's Guide to Catholic Social Teaching
Visit our popular online guide to 100 years of Catholic tradition.

Images from Chicago's march for immigration reform

Quicktime 7 is recommended for best viewing.

Guy Consolmagno Siteseeing with astronomer Guy Consolmagno

The astronomical sites I visit are not flashy but useful. For more detailed information about comets, astroids, and trans-Neptunian objects, which make up the heart of my research, I contact the Minor Planet Center at Harvard. The Vatican Observatory’s site is: vaticanobservatory.org.

When I am abroad, to keep in touch with what’s really going on back in America, I connect to the source that most people trust for their news: The Daily Show.

Comic book sites like this are fun and remind me that what I do is only slightly removed from magic. The artists are a husband-and-wife team, whom I first met at a science fiction convention.

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