Cover Stories
U.S. Catholic: February 2008

Special issue on Hispanic Catholics!

Ni aquí nor there: Latino American Catholics in search of a church can feel a bit like Goldilocks, with some churches hotly focused on the issues of recent immigrants and others cold to Hispanic Catholic culture.

Catholics without borders: Immigration may be our new national "third rail." Catholics need to step back before they get swept up by the rhetoric, says Sacramento Bishop Jaime Soto.

Web special!
That all may be one: Carmen Aguinaco Interviews Sister María Elena González, R.S.M

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Next week:
Margin Notes' Kevin Clarke and Catholic Tastes' Megan Sweas will be blogging live from the 2008 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington. Stop by Monday February 25 through Wednesday February 27 for updates from this annual Woodstock of Catholic social justice campaigners! Today: "Cluster bombs away--for good?"


michael claytonMichael Clayton
After exploring the murky morality of the media, geopolitics, and the Cold War in Good Night and Good Luck, Syriana, and The Good German, George Clooney has turned the spotlight of conscience on the underbelly of corporate law and multinational agribusinesses.

Selections from the February issue of U.S. Catholic

Margin Notes
global warming Hot enough for you?
The world's poor face an even bleaker future than polar bears, thanks to global warming.

The Examined Life
Here comes everybody else
Our color in the Crayola box of “flesh tones” shouldn’t determine our place in the church.

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Selections from the January issue of U.S. Catholic

Margin Notes
death takes a holiday Death takes a holiday
But the question is whether executions will take a permanent vacation in the United States.

The Examined Life
Despite terror that women are staging a coup de church, the numbers just don't add up.

Selections from the December issue of U.S. Catholic

Margin Notes
Bank robbery
Forgive us our bad debts—many of which were made fraudulently to developing countries.

not all roads lead to rome The Examined Life
Not all roads lead to Rome
The diverse challenges of a struggling world need local solutions from a flexible church.

Selections from the November issue of U.S. Catholic

Care package Margin Notes
No more CARE packages
Instead of dumping grain in poverty-stricken regions, we should be investing cash.

The Examined Life
More than words
Rather than threaten our Christian faith, exploring the language and spiritual practices of other religious traditions may instead make us better Catholics.

Selections from the October issue of U.S. Catholic

Margin Notes—Kevin Clarke
Cracks in the system
Deferring infrastructure maintenance for war spending builds a bridge to nowhere.

The Examined Life—Bryan Cones
How green is your faith?
We should honor God the Father by caring for our Mother Earth.

Promise of the Promised Land:
Elias ChacourArchbishop Elias Chacour of Galilee is working to create his own biblical vision of the Holy Land, in which people of all faiths live together in peace.

Read the interview or view excerpts in Quicktime.

The Busy Christian's Guide to Catholic Social Teaching
Visit our popular online guide to 100 years of Catholic tradition.

Images from Chicago's march for immigration reform

Quicktime 7 is recommended for best viewing.