USC Christmas
Cover Stories
U.S. Catholic: December 2007

Hold your fire!: Is the Holy Family pinned down by the holiday shopping hordes? Give me a break, says Father Paul Boudreau. The war on Christmas is a lot of hype.

Promise of the Promised Land: If Jesus were born in Bethlehem today, he’d experience a new variation on the Roman occupation, but he would also find the peace work of Melkite Catholic Archbishop Elias Chacour.

SOA Diary: NEW! Megan Sweas reports from the demonstration to close down the School of Americas.

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Promise of the Promised Land:
Elias ChacourArchbishop Elias Chacour of Galilee is working to create his own biblical vision of the Holy Land, in which people of all faiths live together in peace.

Read the interview or view excerpts in Quicktime.

December 14:
Pope affirms family in World Day of Peace message
Pope invites youth to say 'Yes!' to God
Orphans' carol on iTunes could make all the difference this Christmas

December 12:
Vatican Releases Pope Benedict's World Day of Peace Message
(11 Dec 07 - RV) Pope Benedict XVI called on world leaders to re-commit themselves to nuclear disarmament, encouraged an international law rooted in respect for the human person and said it is necessary to ensure more careful protection of creation. The Holy Father's appeals came in his message for the upcoming World Day for Peace on January 1st, 2008. . .

December 3:
Religious orders and Caritas condemn global slavery of human trafficking
Pope promotes hope in second encyclical

Evan Almighty
Branded as a “comedy of Biblical proportions,” Evan Almighty sunk the ark when it came out last June, with lower than expected box office returns and poor reviews. Still, it succeeds when taken as a family movie with Christian themes rather than a sequel to comedy.

advent wreath Special for Advent!
Open some doors this Advent

What child is this?

Get wrapped up in family traditions this Christmas

Have yourself a defiant Christmas

What are you waiting for?

Unwrap the gifts of Advent

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Selections from the December issue of U.S. Catholic

Margin Notes—Kevin Clarke
Bank robbery
Forgive us our bad debts—many of which were made fraudulently to developing countries.

not all roads lead to rome The Examined Life—Bryan Cones
Not all roads lead to Rome
The diverse challenges of a struggling world need local solutions from a flexible church.

Selections from the November issue of U.S. Catholic

Care package Margin Notes—Kevin Clarke
No more CARE packages
Instead of dumping grain in poverty-stricken regions, we should be investing cash.

The Examined Life—Bryan Cones
More than words
Rather than threaten our Christian faith, exploring the language and spiritual practices of other religious traditions may instead make us better Catholics.

Selections from the October issue of U.S. Catholic

Margin Notes—Kevin Clarke
Cracks in the system
Deferring infrastructure maintenance for war spending builds a bridge to nowhere.

The Examined Life—Bryan Cones
How green is your faith?
We should honor God the Father by caring for our Mother Earth.

The Busy Christian's Guide to Catholic Social Teaching
Visit our popular online guide to 100 years of Catholic tradition.

Images from Chicago's march for immigration reform

Quicktime 7 is recommended for best viewing.

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